Freki is handsome, charming, loyal, and competitive. He lives with his owners Bonnie and Dáithí in the Tulsa area.
AKC: BlackGold Freki Stands By Us NF CGC TKN
UKC: UKC EC EV MN UACHX BlackGold Freki Stands By Us SPOT
Born: April 30, 2021
Sire: AKC GCH BlackGold Riddle Me This – Riddle
Dam: AKC CH BlackGold Stand By My Man - Patti
General (handled by Bonnie):
UKC SPOT test AKC Canine Good Citizen AKC Novice Trick Dog
Nose work (handled mainly by Dáithí):
UKC. Novice, Advanced, and Superior Nosework Titles (each level includes Container, Interior, Exterior, & Vehicle titles) Master Vehicle Title, Elite Vehicle Title, Master Container Title.
Agility (handled by Bonnie):
UKC UACH, Freki jumps 14”: Beginner Agility, Intermediate Agility.
Qualifying legs in the Dynamic Novice classes: Hurdles, Tunnels, and 3 of a Kind.
AKC, jumps 20”: got two first place ribbons in Novice FAST
AKC Agility Novice Fast Title.